Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.
Test Environment
We maintain a dedicated User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment ( To access the UAT environment, a test API key (a different API key is used for production) is needed. This key only enables access to your firm’s information and allows you to test most workflows automatically. If you are unable to automatically simulate certain scenarios, please contact API Support for assistance.
Please note that most test users will be provided with the same generic API credentials. Any data you place into the API test environment with these credentials will be visible to other users in the API test environment who have used the same credentials. Therefore, do not send us any real customer data when you are using our API test environment.
Test Window orders may be processed in the test environment at any time when a Folio staff member “runs the window” but this is sporadic and not generally performed upon request. Test Direct orders (market, limit, stop, and stop-limit) will be immediately sent to “market” in the test environment when the market is open, or queued for when the market opens, similar to the behavior in the production environment. Learn more about production window trade times.
Note: Some configuration information may differ between UAT and production (e.g., billingPlanOids, firmOids, and modelOids) environments. We periodically reset the data used in the environment–not more frequently than quarterly. Users are notified in advance of any reset.